Special Projects


american/french masonic banquet, 10 february, 1919

The 10 February, 1919 banquet attended by American Masons from Base Section No. 1 and French Masons at theTrait d’Union lodge in Saint-Nazaire, France.

Learn more about it here.

SOL Dugout Locations.JPG

the s.o.l. degree

Originated by Brother Charles H. Huntley, the General Secretary of the Masonic Clubs in the Saint-Nazaire area, it was conveyed on between 5,000 and 10,000 Masons in France.

Learn more about it here.


The order of the frog

We recently came across a mention of this degree, helped to be exemplified by Charles F. Irwin of Ohio.

More coming soon.


Stay tuned as we continue to add to our Special Projects research page.