Sunset Overseas Masonic Club
Saint Aignan - Noyers, France A.P.O. 727
Thank you John g. Torkos for the information and photos contained on this page.
“On October 7th, 1918, a number of the members of the Masonic Order whose military duties kept them in the vicinity of Saint Aignan-Noyers, France, believing that there was a pressing need for a Masonic Club at the place, met for the purpose of discussing and completing such an organization.
The meeting was called to order by Captain McCathran, who proposed Major George L. Tait as temporary chairman. Major Tait was elected, and Captain L.A. Foote was elected temporary secretary. A committee on organization was appointed and a constitution was drawn up and adopted.
For some weeks and Club met in a public school building but the French authorities subsequently objected to such use of the building and the meeting place was changed to the Officers’ Mess. Here the Club has met each Wednesday night, with a steadily increasing attendance. In April the meeting night was changed to Tuesday.
The Successful establishment and continued growth of the Club may be largely attributed to the splendid teamwork of its first set of officers and committees, who were as follows:
President - George L Tait First Vice President - Robert A. Clarke Second Vice President - Lloyd R. Buchanan Third Vice President - Stanley S. Morris Fourth Vice President - Edison A. Baum Fifth Vice President - Leroy A. Foote Secretary - Russell Beall Treasurer - H. A. Stone Finance Committee - Curtis B. Winn, L. J. Wood, E. A. Hancock Relief Committee - E. A. Rushford, Lieutenant Lawson, D. C. Daniels, S. J. Noyers, R. A. McClure Entertainment Committee - Oliver S. Perry, Captan Storm, N. P. Gillispie, E. H. Baumer, L. J. Applequist”
Later Officers:
President - Maj. Wm. R. McCathran Secretary - Capt. A. D. Hathaway
Photo courtesy of John G. Torkos
PREAMBLE: In the Military Service of the United States of America at Saint Aignan-Noyers, France, are many Master Masons. Believing that the establishment of a Masonic Club at the place will be of great value and benefit to the members in particular and the Craft in general, and for the purpose of instituting such an organization we, Master Masons in the Military Service of our country with the Forty-first (or Sunset) Division, American Expeditionary Forces, hereby adopt and agree to abide by the constitution hereunto appended.
I. This organization shall be known as the SUNSET OVERSEAS MASONIC CLUB.
II. The executive powers and business management of the Club shall be vested in the following officers and committees, who shall be elected for a term of three months: President, five Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Finance Committee, Relief Committee, Entertainment Committee. Special committees may be appointed by the President.
III. All Master Masons in good standing shall be eligible for membership in the Club, but the privileges of the Club are extended to all such Master Masons of the American Expeditionary Forces.
IV. Meeting shall be held Wednesday night each week, beginning October 30th, 1918, and at such other times as the Executive may direct. Seven members shall be necessary to constitute a quorum.
V. The finances of the Club shall be maintained by assessing each member of the Club according to his rank in the Military Service of the United States of America, and at such times as the members may deem necessary.
VI. This Constitution may be amended by a majority vote of the members present at a regular meeting.
The AMGWP also has the complete roster of this club in our archives.